ARTYFACTS: Feurzabruta

Monday, September 03, 2007


Down to Leith (used to live here) for one of this year’s most talked about show. You’re in a black tent when a guy on a Factory size conveyor belt is brought n and walk, runs, crashes through walls as the floor changes speed. But it’s the nymphs flying horizontally across the silver coloured sea that lifts the show. Then the huge swimming poll descends to just above our heads and women swim, slide and jump in the shallow water. We can reach up and touch them. Disappointed that they were not nude – would have been much better.

The whole show dispenses with any kind of traditional stage. Things happen on the walls, on conveyor belts or above your head or on a spinning obliquely angles platform. You lose yourself in these other dimensions.

Then there’s the misty, rave pieces where the crowd dances away – well this being Edinburgh is split into dancers and observers. Had a great Pizza and beer afterwards with our Edinburgh chums.


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